All posts by Visit Pertiwi

Monas: Jakarta’s Towering Testament to Resilience and Unity

In the sprawling urban landscape of Jakarta, a singular monument rises above the cityscape, casting a shadow that’s as much historical as it is physical. The National Monument, fondly referred to as Monas, is more than just a landmark. It’s a symbol, a story, and a sentinel of Indonesia’s rich tapestry of history and culture. Let’s embark on a deep dive into the essence of this iconic structure.

The Genesis of a National Icon


Every great monument has a story behind its inception, and Monas is no exception. After Indonesia shook off the chains of Dutch colonial rule in 1950, there was a palpable desire to commemorate the nation’s newfound freedom. The country’s first president, Sukarno, envisioned a structure that would not only celebrate independence but also stand as a beacon of hope and unity for future generations.

By the mid-1950s, the idea began to take shape. A design competition was announced, inviting architects and visionaries to contribute to this national project. While numerous designs flooded in, it was Sukarno’s personal vision that ultimately steered the project. He imagined a monument that would embody harmony and balance, drawing inspiration from traditional Indonesian symbols, the linga and yoni.

A Monumental Undertaking

The journey from blueprint to reality was anything but smooth. Initiated in 1961, the construction of Monas faced a myriad of challenges. Political upheavals, financial constraints, and logistical issues threatened to derail the project multiple times. But, much like the spirit of the Indonesian people, the project persevered. After nearly 15 years, in 1975, Monas was unveiled to the public, standing tall as a testament to Indonesia’s indomitable spirit and enduring hope.

A Tapestry of Design and Symbolism

At first glance, Monas might appear as a simple obelisk. However, delve a little deeper, and you’ll discover a rich tapestry of design elements, each with its own story. The monument’s base, reminiscent of the yoni, and the towering spire, symbolizing the linga, come together in a harmonious union, representing balance and unity.

But the pièce de résistance is undoubtedly the Flame of Independence that crowns Monas. Crafted with meticulous precision in bronze and then gilded in a radiant layer of gold, this flame is not just an architectural marvel but a symbol of the nation’s fiery spirit and unyielding resolve.

A Walk Through Time

Monas isn’t just about grandeur and design; it’s a living museum. The National History Museum, housed within the monument, offers a chronological journey through Indonesia’s multifaceted past. From the reigns of ancient dynasties and the tumultuous periods of foreign rule to the passionate struggle for independence, the museum’s exhibits and dioramas bring history to life.

The observation deck, perched atop the monument, offers panoramic views of Jakarta. But it’s not just about the vistas. This vantage point serves as a poignant reminder of how far Indonesia has come and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

The Square That Tells a Story


Merdeka Square, the expansive green lung in which Monas stands, is more than just a backdrop. It’s a narrative in itself. The meticulously crafted reliefs that encircle the monument offer visual snippets of Indonesia’s storied past, turning the entire area into a silent storyteller.

The Journey to Monas

Nestled in the heart of Central Jakarta, Monas is easily accessible, whether you’re a local or a traveler. The monument and its treasures are open to the public daily, with a nominal entry fee. Whether you’re an architecture enthusiast, a history buff, or just someone looking to understand the soul of Indonesia, Monas promises an experience that’s both enlightening and enriching.

In Reflection


Monas stands as a bridge between Indonesia’s past and its future. It’s a reflection of the nation’s heart, its struggles, its victories, and its aspirations. A visit to Monas is not just a tour of a monument; it’s a journey through time, a dialogue with history, and a rendezvous with Indonesia’s soul. As the golden flame atop Monas continues to shine brightly, it serves as a beacon of hope, unity, and resilience for all Indonesians and a reminder of the nation’s glorious journey.

Dadiah: The Creamy Delight of West Sumatra

Imagine waking up to the tantalizing aroma of a traditional dish that has been a part of Indonesian culture for generations. This isn’t just any dish; it’s Dadiah, a fermented buffalo milk delicacy that hails from the heart of West Sumatra. Let’s dive into the creamy world of Dadiah and discover its secrets.


What’s in the Name?

Dadiah, also known by its Indonesian name ‘dadih’, is a cherished food item among the people of West Sumatra. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about tradition, culture, and a sense of belonging.

The Making of Dadiah

The process of making Dadiah is as fascinating as its taste. Fresh, raw, unheated buffalo milk is poured into a bamboo tube, which is then sealed with a banana leaf. This setup is left at room temperature, allowing the milk to ferment naturally for two days. The magic behind this fermentation? Indigenous lactic bacteria present in the buffalo milk. These bacteria could come from various sources – the bamboo tubes, the milk itself, or even the banana leaves used for sealing.

A Breakfast Delight

Ampiang and Dadiah Breakfast
Ampiang and Dadiah Breakfast

Dadiah isn’t just reserved for special occasions. It’s a common breakfast item, often mixed with ‘ampiang’ (traditional glutinous rice krispies) and palm sugar. This combination provides a delightful play of textures and flavors. For those who like a bit of spice in their life, Dadiah can also be paired with hot rice and sambal.

Beyond Taste: The Health Benefits

Dadiah isn’t just about tantalizing your taste buds; it’s packed with health benefits too. Studies have shown that the indigenous strains of lactic acid bacteria in Dadiah have antimutagenic and antipathogenic properties. They also exhibit acid and bile tolerance, making them potential candidates for probiotics in the future. Interestingly, certain strains of Lactobacillus plantarum from Dadiah play a crucial role in removing microcystin-LR, a cyanobacterial toxin. This suggests that Dadiah could offer tools for water decontamination processes.

Breakfast with Dadiah
Breakfast with Dadiah

Dadiah is more than just a fermented milk dish; it’s a journey through the rich cultural and culinary landscape of West Sumatra. Whether you’re savoring it as a breakfast treat or exploring its health benefits, Dadiah promises a unique experience that goes beyond taste, taking you on a trip down memory lane, back to the heart of Indonesian traditions. So, the next time you’re looking to try something different, something traditional, and something utterly delicious, remember Dadiah – the creamy delight of West Sumatra.